Immunization Planner icône

Immunization Planner

  • APP : Immunization Planner
  • Exigences : Android
  • Éditeur : Home
  • Catégories : Parents

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Immunization Planner

Immunization Planner icôneImmunization Planner : Never forget a vaccination date anymoreImmunization Planner is a FREE immunization reminder APP that helps in tracking vaccination in an easy way along with tracking development milestones of your baby.Main features:-You can track vaccination schedule of more than one child.- Immunization schedule of child is displayed in an easy way.- Location of Child in their immunization journey is displayed to easily identify future pending vaccinations.- Mark vaccinations which has already been done.- Add reminders for the future vaccinations and update them anytime later.Learn about Vaccination / Immunization :- Myths and Facts section that help people overcome their apprehensions regarding vaccination.- Provides summary about several diseases to which immunization is mainly targeted.Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age.- Track the Developmental milestones of your baby.Disclaimer:This App is only intended to be general summary information to the user. This application is not intended to provide medical advice. Any questions regarding a user’s personal medical condition should be directed to the application user’s primary care physician.*Images courtesy of CDC Public Health Image Library

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